Medicare Advantage
Medicare Advantage is a private health insurance coverage alternative to original Medicare that provides all of Medicare's Parts A & B benefits. Most will also offer the Part D prescription drug benefit as well.
several different types of Medicare Advantage plans
Health Maintenance Organization plans
Preferred Provider Organization plans
Private Fee-For-Service plans
Special Needs plans
Why choose Medicare Advantage?
With traditional Medicare you often have to fill the gaps in coverage with a separate Medicare Supplement plan that accompanies your Medicare plan. With Medicare Advantage you get all the benefits in one single convenient plan and may be able to save on certain services as a result.

Also with Medicare Advantage, since there are different types of plans available, you are able to customize the type of coverage for your specific needs.
You are eligible for Medicare Advantage if...
You are eligible for Medicare.
You have Medicare Parts A & B.
You reside in the service area of the plan you want to join.
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